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Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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Event Progression in Video Art - Analytical Study

Uday Fadel Abdul Karim1, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al-Kenani 2


As a result of the crystallization of the postmodernism arguments in a state of decentralization, bifurcation, fragmentation, and drifting from place to place through a series of reflections and encounters, with the presence of the telecommunications, technology, and informatics revolution, as well as the intersection of ideas and ideologies, the dominance of technology power, the emergence of rationalism and deconstruction, changes in the patterns of the plastic arts. As a result of the presence of the digital image, multimedia, the emergence of the Internet, the new era began, which Regis Dupre called “the era of the video sphere.” to introduce the animated video image through screens into the structure of visual work, and establishes a new format expressing the new culture, Video Art, from here the research problem was to question the possibility of detecting the follow-up of the event through the temporal progression of video art and the mechanisms of forming it in a kinetic format.


Video Art, Event Progression, crystallization.

Literature Review



Arabic references
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Foreign references
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