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Qualitative Research in Education
Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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The effect of Hyperoxic training on arterial blood gases in male 5000-meter runners

Fadel Musa Radi 1, Assistant Prof. Dr. Amin Khazaal Abdul2


The importance of the research lies in utilizing the method of Hyperoxic training, which involves conducting aerobic exercises under the influence of oxygen saturation higher than the saturation level of atmospheric air, which is 21%. This is achieved by using oxygen cylinders (oxygen gas) with a saturation level ranging from 50 to 70%. It is used either through running on a treadmill or engaging in aerobic exercise on a stationary bike. The problem of the research is that most local runners are trained according to traditional training methods such as continuous training or low-intensity interval training. This has led to Iraqi national teams lagging behind their counterparts from Arab and Asian countries. The researcher also noticed the lack of Iraqi literature, to his knowledge, on studies investigating the effect of acute and cumulative physical exertion on arterial blood gases. The study aims to determine the effect of Hyperoxic training methods on arterial blood gases and the level of completion time for a 5000-meter run for male runners. The research community included long-distance runners from Al-Furat Sports Club and Akkad Sports Club in Thi Qar Governorate for the sports season 2023-2024. The most important conclusions were that Hyperoxic training method has a positive effect on reducing the accompanying decrease in arterial blood gas levels after exertion, reducing lactate levels, and improving completion time ratios. As for recommendations, it is necessary for coaches of medium and long-distance runners to focus on Hyperoxic training methods to enhance the efficiency of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Additionally, conducting a similar study to understand the effect of Hyperoxic training method on muscle electromyography is recommendedLanguage is not only an intellectual endeavor; it is also a reflection of society. It is the best means that can be used to transmit societal practices, traditions, and beliefs to others.


Effect ،hyperoxic ،training ،arterial ،blood, ،gases ،runners

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