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Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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The Role of the Governmental Public Relations in Marketing the Great Port of Al – Faw

Dr. Ali Sadeq Alsaedy 1, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abed Hasan Al – Amery 2


The Great Port of Faw is an Iraqi port on Al-Faw Peninsula to the south of Basra Governorate. The cost of the project is about (8. 2) Billion American Dollars with a total area of (54) square kilometers. The capacity of the port that was planned to be constructed nearly (99) million tons annually, to be one of the largest ports overlooking the Arabian Gulf and the tenth in the world. The depth of the port is likely to be (19) meters to accommodate the largest commercial ships. The foundation stone for this project was laid on 5 April 2010 In terms of the geographical location, the port is located in Raas Al-Besha region at the end of the continental cliff of Iraq. It is considered a quality leap in its geopolitical importance to link Iraq with the world by restoring the importance of the location that links between the East and the West. Its construction will change the global maritime transport map. This project upon completion is likely to become one of the largest ports in the Arabian Gulf. It is regarded as a strategic project links the East with Europe through Iraq, Turkey and Syria with the so-called dry channel.


Governmental Public Relation, Marketing, Al – Faw, Port, Role.

Literature Review



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