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Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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The Economic Dimension of The Will of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) To Malik Al-Ashtar

Dr. Noor Sami Hassan


In his message, Imam Ali(peace be upon him)emphasizes the interest in integrated economic development at all levels to build society, as the trade and industry sector is one of the most important sectors that constitute economic activity and one of the important sectors in achieving economic development And also to emphasize the issues of trade and industry because these two sectors occupy a prominent position in the economy of the Islamic society,without industry it is not possible to secure goods and goods for individuals ,and without trade it is not possible to transfer them from production centers to consumption centers, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) emphasizes on the architecture of the Earth and Because getting an abscess without architecture leads to the ruin of the country .


The economic ,Imam Ali (peace be upon him) , Malik Al-Ashtar

Literature Review



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