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Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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Italian island cultures (Sicily and Sardinia) as models

Hussein Muhammad Radhi Jabr1, Prof. Dr. Maytham Abdel Kazem Joud 2


Civilization is the opposite of barbarism and civilization has a dual meaning, it indicates both moral and material values, and researchers have separated the words civilization and culture. The first represents the dignity of spiritual concerns, and the other represents material affairs. Civilization has also been interpreted as a practical and technical body of knowledge, which is a series of ways of dealing with nature. Culture, in contrast, is a set of principles, standards, values, and ideals. Islands provide disparities in cultural development, settlement patterns, and exploitation of resources found on the Italian mainland. During prehistoric times, these islands were characterized by cultural, social, and economic diversity. These cultures have spread in both Sicily and Sardinia and have been characterized by diversity and have represented each society's cultural components.


Italian island, Historical analysis, Civilization

Literature Review



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