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Qualitative Research in Education
Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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Build Technicians Scale Procrastination Training Centers Gameplay the Different For players Ball The hand

Dunya Sabah ali


The research included the introduction of the research and its importance and touched upon Build Scale Procrastination of training for different playing centers For players Clubs Ball The hand In Logic Youth Central . As for the third part, it included a detail of the research methodology and procedures, where the research community and its sample My players Clubs Ball The hand Youth In Logic The middle And their number (120) Players where usedT The researcherA Build Scale Procrastination of training for different playing centers On the research community And useT The researcherA After the presentation of the results and their discussion, a number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which are Reaching the construction of a measure of procrastination of training for various playing Centers for youth handball players .


Technicians Scale, Centers Gameplay, Procrastination

Literature Review



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