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Qualitative Research in Education
Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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The self-confidence of the members of the governing bodies of sports clubs in Dhi Qar governorate from the point of view of the coaches

Ola ldriss yasser1, Dr. Mohsen Ali- Al-Saadawi2


The world is witnessing accelerated developments and increasing the limit of competition and the limitations of economic, social and cultural materials the sports field had a share of these developments, which shows its features through the skill levels and digital achievements achieved by the players, and sports Considering that self-confidence is one of the psychological aspects, where their focus was on the variable of self-confidence in all sports, and Where the governing bodies of any sports institution are the main engine for improving sports performance according to the facilities and services provided by these bodies for the success of the sports process and in order to identify the causes of psychological variables affecting the behavior of players, practitioners, administrators and coaches, recent trends have emerged in the field of sports psychology called not to neglect the And the legalization of the measure of self-confidence among members of the governing bodies of sports clubs in Dhi Qar governorate from the point of view of coaches .Through their work as members of administrative bodies, we can identify this level, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and thus diagnose and correct mistakes to improve their performance and develop it to serve the sports process and contribute to upgrading it for the better, and this is what everyone aspires to lift Iraqi sports from the state of decline that it is experiencing today .


self-confidence, governing bodies, point of view

Literature Review



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