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Qualitative Research in Education
Vol. 13 No. 3 : June
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Argumentation as Coercion Racial Segregation in the Kuwaiti Novel

Dua’a Dawood Salman 1, Prof Dr. Sabah Abdel Rada Aysoud 2, Prof. Dr. Salah Hassan Hawi3


The majority of studies on argumentation focus on analyzing techniques within political or religious discourses, leaving limited exploration of the relationship between argumentation and narration. This research fills that gap by analyzing the role of argumentation in narrative discourse, particularly its function in generating racist discourse within Kuwaiti novels. We argue that understanding argumentation as a form of interaction provides insight into the dialectical relationship between dominant and dominated voices, revealing how the latter can resist hegemonic discourse through argumentative means. The article presented by the American rhetorician Wayne Brockriede, "Arguers as Lovers", serves as the starting point on which this research is built to understand the relationship between the dominant brother and his religious ideology. It also sheds light on the confrontation between the sister or grandmother, where she asserts her dominance in rejecting the grandson through a racist vision of gender or social difference.


Argumentation, racial segregation, hegemony, narrative

Literature Review



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